When you spend your days as a teenager making replicas of historic edged weapons, you've got to be pretty passionate about knives. Petr Janda a knife enthusiast at heart, moved to the United States from Czechoslovakia after serving in the Czech Army during the Cold War. In the sates, he met and trained under John Benner at Tactical Defense Institute, who immediately recognized Janda's skill as a student and asked him to instruct firearms, knife and empty hand skills classes at the institute. In 2004, Janda established FIN Designs, LLC, to manufacture custom-made holsters and handgun accessories. Drawing from his lifelong interest in knives, he first began designing and producing concealable aftermarket knife sheaths and later several models of both folding and fixed blade knives. It was in 2007 when Janda shared his designs with KA-BAR. After development and fine tuning, KA-BAR now offers several FIN Designs for sale.